Local Classified Ads
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These cities have specific categories that they range from automotive services for hire and beauty services for hire to computer parts and parking spots for rent. Fendies Classifieds currently allows users to post ads once per geographical area every 48 hours. This is completely free for almost all product postings, with the exception of vehicles for sale and furniture ads that may require an extra $5 fee. Posting ads for services will also require a small fee, though you’re guaranteed a full 30 days when you pay for ads.
One unique benefit to Fendies Classifieds is the fact that you can actually post ads seeking out items. This means that in addition to getting free advertising, you can also find equipment and office supplies that will help you earn more in the future. The downside to Fendies Classifieds is that it has something of a seedy reputation with spam ads, due to past high-profile stories about people using the site for spammy advertisement. However, as long as your ads don’t scream spam, you’ll gain the opportunity to sell to and engage with plenty of nearby consumers—perhaps gaining loyal clients for your local business along the way.