Ad Details
Ad ID: 8707
Added: August 23, 2021
Condition: Brand New
Location: United States
State: TX
City: Houston
Views: 1917
Are you frustrated with internet search results that don’t give you what you need? Please help us improve the top search engines in the world! We’re looking for Search Engine Evaluators who can quickly determine a user’s search intention and then be able rank the search results in order of most helpful to least helpful. It’s a simple 2-step process to determine if a query is valid or invalid then simply rank the top 5 search results from two different search engines, and boom, you’re done!
- 10 hours per week minimum (as tasks are available)
- Desktop or Laptop only, no mobile phone or tablet
- English skills
- Spanish or English Speaker residing in US
Interesting right? Visit the Appen website using the Link below and complete the registration and click on the submit application button.
*Once you opened the link, it will direct you to our registration page. Please complete the needed details for the project to qualify. Make sure that you input United States of Americas as your Country and as Language Region then input English as Primary Language.
Add all your native languages when creating your profile in the system. Once your account has been created, click the ‘All Projects‘ Tab then you will see the “Continue” button on the right side of the “Unlock More Projects Complete your profile“, complete the required information to unlock more projects
Don’t miss the chance to earn extra income working from the comforts of your own home and to be part of a rapidly growing global team for the world’s top Internet search engine companies!
Please do let me know if you have any questions and clarifications regarding on the project, you can email me at
“A diverse, inclusive culture is vital to our mission of helping build better AI.
We offer opportunities for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds.”
Thank you and we hope to work with you soon!